Design Tip #2


Thinking outside the box…does furniture really need to be against the wall?  Does all the furniture need to match?

Re-think the space. As creatures of habit most of us line up our furniture pieces against the walls, which may not be the best use of the space for the room. Think angles; try placing a chair and side table at an angle in the corner of the living room or master bedroom. In a great room angle the sofa in the room and place two chairs across from it to create a more intimate conversation area. Anchor the space with an area rug to tie it together. In a large living room or family room form an “L” with the sofa and a chair or loveseat. This creates the look of a sectional but with a lot more flexibility. Use a large ottoman as a coffee table, add a tray for accent pieces and books looks good in addition to being a great place to prop up your feet.

Tables and chairs in the dining are great places to add some interest by mixing and matching chairs. Add two upholstered chairs to the existing set of matching hard chairs to create an upscale look and add a pop of color to the room. Several of the big box stores have single accent chairs at reasonable prices. It may be just the extra something needed to make the room stand out.


So as you start sprucing things up for spring, think a little outside your normal “box”.



Debbie Stutsman

Corporate Director of Design

The Commodore Corporation